- Travelers of any nationality are no longer required to show Proof of Vaccination or COVID test results to enter Thailand.
- Travelers are no longer required to obtain a Thailand Pass to enter Thailand.
- Travelers can stay 30 days or 45 days or 90 days depending on their nationality. The Thailand Interior Ministry has increased this period for the dates of 1 Oct 2022 until 31 March 2023. Announcement.
Proof of Vaccination is no longer required
As of December 2022, proof of vaccination, COVID19 test results, or Thailand Pass are no longer required for any foreign nationals to enter Thailand. Read official announcement.
Visa Exemption- 45 days
From 1 Oct 2022 until 31 March 2023, you can enter Thailand for 45 days (increased from 30 days) without a visa if you have a passport from any of the following countries:
Visa Exemption: Andora, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein. Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Sweden, UAE, UK, Vietnam, USA
In addition, the following countries have Bilateral Agreements that allow you to enter without a visa:
Bilateral Agreement: Lao, Macau, Mongolia, Russia (all 45 days)
Visa on Arrival – 30 days
From 1 Oct 2022 until 31 March 2023, you can enter Thailand for 30 days (increased from 15 days) with a Visa on Arrival if you have a passport from any of the following countries:
Visa on Arrival: Bhutan, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Malta, Mexico, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, and Vanuatu.
How does the Visa on Arrival (VOA) work?
You do not need to apply for visa in your own country. When you arrive at the airport in Thailand you must pay a fee of 2,000 THB. It must be paid in cash and only Thai Baht is accepted. (Fee is subject to change without notice, so it is best to prepare more)
You must also meet the following requirements:
- If asked, you must provide proof of exit by showing a flight ticket leaving Thailand within 30 days of entry
- Traveling overland by bus or car (to Myanmar, Laos etc.) is not accepted as proof of exit
- If asked, you must be able to list a valid accommodation address in Thailand
- If asked, you must be able to provide proof of funds of at least 10,000 THB for single travelers, or 20,000 THB per family during your stay in Thailand.
If you do not meet the requirements, you may be denied Visa on Arrival, and thus entry into Thailand.
Countries with Bilateral Agreements
A bilateral agreement means that both countries will allow each other’s citizens to enter the country without a visa for a specific period of time. If your country is listed here, you do not need a Visa or Visa on Arrival to enter Thailand.
Here are the countries with Bilateral travel agreements with Thailand:
- 14 day stay allowed without visa: Cambodia, Myanmar
- 45 day stay allowed without visa: Hong-Kong, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Russia, Vietnam
- 90 day stay allowed without visa: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Korea (ROK), Peru